About Us
Kaduvayil Thangal Charitable Trust (KTCT) prevalently known as Kaduvayil Muslim Jamaat Charitable Trust (Reg. No.38/94, IV/7/2008) is probably the best foundation in Kerala, which has been doing different capacities in Social, Cultural, Educational, Spiritual, Medical fields and so on throughout the previous 30 years. It is extraordinary for its mainstream nature and its serving of the oppressed individuals in the general public.
KTCT has committed itself to the reason for the instruction of the socially, financially and instructively in a reverse segment of the general public.
KTCT is additionally determined as one of the significant mainstream focal points of South Kerala.
The operations of the trust and Co-related establishments are finished by an advisory group including 31 individuals and this, the board of trustees, individuals are chosen in a law-based manner for like clockwork.
By its efficient exercises, it could begin numerous foundations in the Educational, Medical, Technical, Professional and Spiritual fields with the endorsement of both Central and State governments and every one of these establishments run effectively. The contributions and gifts of the enthusiasts and well-wishers are the fundamental wellsprings of pay of the trust.
Inconsistently, in the month of March Trust authorities presents the financial budget of KTCT and different establishments into the Trust Committee. The 60% of the salary will be held for the recently composed medicinal, otherworldly and instructive organizations. In excess of 700 staff legitimately and in excess of 500 staff in a roundabout way are working in the different foundations of the trust. There are additionally three-dimensional examining frameworks for the trust, thus it can stay up with the latest and lucidity.
We aim to supply complete support, protection and care to necessitous and disadvantaged individuals within the society with special specialize in rural communities; and aim to usher in modification in their lives.
We are bound to help the necessitous provincial networks with sufficient consideration, insurance, recovery support with imaginative administration activities to ease their lives monetarily, socially, culturally and health-wise.